The Supreme Court of the French Embassy businessman Ajay sumargilai sale of government land she has decided the case. A bench of Justice Deepak Joshi and Govinda Upadhyaya United on Tuesday disputed land to the government for the ruling. Capture
Working on the basis of evidence the government believes that the Supreme Court deemed illegal. Embassy ropanies visalanagarasthita 1 9 12 2 money by selling land had come. Government nirnayabhanda a different way of selling land to the government in the name of the government of whom 9 had decided to bring back.
The decisions of the government bought land sumargi on April 2 had the highest. Land Revenue Office in the name of their registration time immemorial have the right to claim the government was not his. Supreme Court confirmed his argument by citing the decision of the court not to issue an interim order. Revenue Office, Dillibazaar 2071 year on June 17 the Embassy of the 2 hundred and 88 square meters of land sold in the name of the Government of Nepal had to maintain. The first hearing in this case was the Supreme Court decision of the Government of Cause Order.
Sumargile Embassy in Kathmandu Metropolitan City 5, visalanagarasthita plot number 12 9 3 6 hundred and 86 thousand square meters, plot number 281 to 6 thousand 2 hundred 81 thousand 9 hundred 67 square meters and 9 square meters of land were bought.
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