he next event on the streets of the capital a year ago. Just the presence of the horn blew and almost came close to an accident. In both instances he told the driver he told the action. "I do not make mistakes, those .PM," he said of the public. Follow his discipline while micro and bus, women experience harassment.
The bus driver said micro the same street and no wonder he's not seen. "Women are perceived fringe, teasing the attitude," he said. Surprisingly, not a single coin street Bhattarai. A scooter to reach every woman in the streets are more or less surprised.
Another victim of the Chronicles sukedharaki best. He started driving a scooter for three years. While driving a scooter on the street, he tasted the hefty eyes, suddenly increased speed comes close. Due to busy to do so could not take any action Shrestha told him. "Office is the nicest, the dispute is not the time," he said.
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